Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tree (shrub) planting

Today, as a dojo, we planted around 300 plants! Pretty amazing!!!

Thanks to everyone who joined in, dug holes, planted, watered, weeded.

Here are some pics from Mati

Sensei and Q breaking the speed record for number of shrubs planted in an afternoon

Ember giving the weeds a hard time

q, giving nothing away, as always

Me looking crazy in gardening hat

Maddie trying her skills at fair and balanced watering

Alnez choosing plants and adding sunshine to the day

David getting his back into it on some rough ground

Voytek and Rory showing how it's done

Kate, preparing for her gig at the empress... by planting native geraniums

Andrew giving the last of the pegs a seeing to

There were also some smaller folk that came along and did a great job and caught the planting bug!

Max, keeping the smiles coming

Dylan and Pipa, doing some beautiful planting work

Thanks again to everyone (and sorry if you missed out on a photo!). Looking forward to another round of planting next year!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Test Results

August 1st 2009

The following students have been promoted to:

7th Kyu

Victor Leonardo

Andrew MacLennan

Rory Christensen

Arama Mataora Toatoa

Simon McGowan

Masumi Namiki

6th Kyu

David Lewin

Robin Linhart

Nesidah Jonsin

Grant Ring

3rd Kyu

Sophie Harle

Quang Kwonon Troung

Wilson Lim

* Certificates and Belts will be issued shortly in class.