- You and your friends think a group hug involves flipping out of it.
- You choose your job based on if it interferes with your training time
- You wear your dogi to work.
- You hear someone say broken and you think they said bokken.
- There are nearly 100 portraits of O-Sensei in your bedroom
- Every morning before breakfast you repeat basic moves
- You reply to controversy with "Oh yeah, Grab my wrist!!!"
- See a big hall and make decide forward rolls would get you through it quicker.
- You don't just open a door -- you extend into it from your center
- The Aikido dreams start.
- You find yourself with an irresistible urge to bow every time you enter or exit a room.
- The smell of rancid sweat has become oddly unnoticeable to you.
- You immediately stop what you're doing whenever you hear someone clap their hands
- You no longer grip anything with your index fingers
- You meet an attractive person and your first thought is "Wouldn't they look nice taking ukemi?"
- When you see a straight wooden stick, such as a broken broom handle, you automatically refer to it as a jo.
- You blurt out "Osu!" when you're asked to do something at home, or at work.
-You find yourself "blending with and redirecting" your cat when it tries to jump onto your lap uninvited
- You wonder how you would flip someone in an elevator.
Adapted from a thread on http://www.aikiweb.com/forums/
doing basic moves after breakfast is a great idea - I hadn't thought of that :)
just wait until you start waking up in the morning sitting in seiza on your bed!
I've started bowing off in the evening when I leave the office.
When you're at a business meeting and someone who came to shake your hand is in a heap in the corner
Also, you know you've been dealing with Japanese culture too long when you bow when you're talking on the telephone
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