Saturday, September 27, 2008

Osoji - The Big Clean

Hey All -

The big Dojo spring clean has arrived!

Keep Sunday, October 19 free.  From 10am, we'll be cleaning, tidying and generally beautifying our dojo.

There'll be sign up sheets for different tasks at the front desk next week.

Feel free to bring friends, family, anyone that can hold a broom...



Anonymous said...

Spots on the gi bother me, flaws in my techniques bother me, specks/dirt on the mats bother me ...

I am going to do my part in cleaning up my act ... cleaning up my attitude, my behaviour, my life, my relationships ...

I am going to do my part in cleaning up my Dojo - The House of Cultivating the Spirit...

(and have some fun too of course)

sophie said...

That's a lot of cleaning!!

But hey once you're on a roll :)