Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Who could it be ...

I think a quote from Usheiba is fitting here ...

"When your eyes engage those of another person, greet him or her with a smile and they will smile back. This is one of the essential techniques of Aikido"

This young fellow has that technique well and truly sorted!! He can raise a giggle even from the sternest face

So who is it?


Warwick said...

Hmm - I'm guessing Matty, although really the only thing I'm completely sure of is that this person's mum had a bowl to do the haircuts with. Elly

sophie said...

And Elly wins the chocolate frog!!

yes its matty!!!

True he's got a bit more style in the hair department but you can't miss those eyes, and that "oh god i'm about to smile - uggh i'm really struggling to keep a straight face here guys" look!


Invisible Education said...

If he makes me laugh at an another inappropriate moment during training, I'll have to see if we can arrange another bowl haircut!!!

sophie said...

I wonder if his recent demotion to white belt is due to inapproriate giggle inducement or something more sinister ....

Matty said...

I did something really naughty with a chocolate frog, an egg-beater and two rubber bands....I am not allowed to say anything more.

Matty the White