Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Full-Time Students

The Melbourne Yoshinkan Aikido dojo welcomes its first two Full-time students.

Sophie Harle

Quang Kwanon Truong

The dojo wishes them luck on this next intense phase of their Aikido Journey.

Gambate Kudasai!


Elly Davis said...

Wow - I'm not really sure what that means probably lots of aikido?? Well done! Elly

Invisible Education said...

Lots and lots and lots of aikido?

Congrats guys!


Matty said...

I think it means that if at the end of a class, Sensei tells you to do 40 backfalls...if you are to tired to do them you can get Sophie or Q to do them for you...I pretty sure that is right

Invisible Education said...

Sounds good to me Matty!

Elly Davis said...

Thanks for explaining, Matty. Does it also mean they will do for you those horrible stomach thingies where you hold your arm and legs off the floor for ages?

sophie said...

I don't think it means you guys can outsource your backfalls and stomach crunches - but will have a look over the fine print... as there maybe a hidden clause I missed

I'm pretty sure that it does mean a lot of Aikido though :) - and sore elbows from lots of Shihonage!

Matty said...

Sorry about the elbows you make such a great noise when you hit the mats at high velocity....I just couldn't help myself