In the dojo the beginner rushes to learn. The teacher rushes to teach. The Aikido eludes us. To sincerely look within one technique would reveal the secrets of all the teachers who walked the way. Then why do we hunger so feverishly for the new? If we approach fishing in this manner all becomes clear. You bring all your tackle to the rivers edge. You carefully fasten and bait your hook. You nestle into your favourite spot and cast your line with great expectations. Yet as your line reaches but inches from the waters surface you reel it in. You gather your tackle, move to another spot and start again.
How elusive the fish you cry!
Peter Koussoulis
Recently i've been terribly frustrated with my training. It seemed that i had gone backwards on certain techniques.
In a conversation after class, Sensei mentioned that frustration is part of progress and that i should relax and enjoy the learning process naturally.
I now train more open-mindedly. Relaxing as much as possible when being the uke and feel the lead by the shite. I will let nature and time take their course and not force or rush knowledge or training.
O Sensei did say training should always be fun. Fun aids learning and make it even more interesting. Fun is freedom and letting go off pre-conceived ideas about how things should be done and learning sincerely from each other in the Dojo.
"It's all in the basics/kihon dosa" as Sensei would remind. How true it is. Where's the kamae in every movement he would say? Hmmm... of course. Time to put theory into practise.
Failure is the key to success;
Each mistake teaches us something
O sensai
surely going backwards is as good as going forwards :) how can one be better than the other, when they're both part of the same journey
If you are doing backfalls...then going backwards is a good thing!
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